Frozen fruits 100% natural ready for consumption, easy and practical to make your favorite recipes, with strict quality control, whole and selected fruits, employees dedicated to the process with hygiene and prevention.
Frozen Strawberries
Selected strawberries whole, clean and ready for consumption. 100% natural fruit!
100% Natural
Frozen Acerolas
Acerolas in natura, whole, clean and ready for consumption.
100% Natural
Frozen Pineapples
Our strawberries and acerolas are just picked and cleaned before freezing, you can see the whole fruit in the package. The pineapple, on the other hand, receives a greater treatment, after being chosen and cleaned, it is peeled and cut to facilitate consumption and storage. 100% natural fruit!
100% Natural
Frozen Blackberries
Fresh, whole, clean and ready-to-eat blacks.
100% Natural
Frozen Red Fruits
Selected fruits whole, clean and ready for consumption. 100% natural fruits!
100% Natural
Frozen Raspberries
Fresh raspberries, whole, clean and ready for consumption.
100% Natural
Frozen Guava
Guava in natura, whole, clean and ready for consumption.
100% Natural
Frozen Mango
Fresh mango, whole, clean and ready for consumption.